Repair Café: Revive Your Beloved Items

Our area has a Repair Cafe or Fix-it Fair event hosted by various community centers. Recently, I volunteered as a repairer for fabric goods and small jewelry. I brought my sewing machine and tools and borrowed supplies from the other volunteers.

What happens here at the Gresham Repair Cafe

People can bring any household items like small appliances, fabric or textile goods, jewelry items, and dull garden tools. The fixers will attempt to repair whatever items you bring or will offer recommendations for the repair.

Here’s what the group did last weekend:

Category# Fixed# Not Fixed# In ProgressItem Total
Small Appliances1311327

How can you help?

You can visit and volunteer at your own local Repair Cafe. You can also start your own if there isn’t already one nearby!

A few quick fixes

These are a few more of the repairs I completed. There is a stuffed snake with a missing eye, a dress hemline, and a axolotl necklace.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Good items are well made and can used longer when you maintain them. The less items that get thrown away and end up in a landfill the better for the planet.

For more information about the Gresham Repair Cafe click here.

~blessed be



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