Author: Maiden Oregon

  • Gresham Saturday Market 2019

    Gresham Saturday Market 2019

    Big vending news! We’re showing off jewelry and crystals at the market!

  • Homemade Pasties

    Homemade Pasties

    This is where I talk about my love of pasties. Pasties are a traditional meat and potato filled pastry. They are Cornish Meat Pies and are delish! These are famous in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where my husband’s family is originally from. Historically they were made for the miners for their lunches. Here’s the…

  • Sewing a button on

    Do you know the tricks to sew on a button? One of them is wrapping the thread around between the button and the clothing. Here’s what I do: 1. Start with folding the length of thread in half and threading the loop through the needle. Draw both ends together (this will make the thread 4x…

  • Still crafting

    Still crafting

    I had to take a little sabbatical from vending. Life has been throwing us curve-balls and we spent the end of 2016 expecting and all of last year moving, working, moving again, and finding employment and going back to school. I’m still crafting and selling my jewelry just at a different pace. I’m working on…

  • Summer at the Market

    Summer at the Market

    There’s new pics from the market-   We got a shout out from the crew at Gresham Saturday Market! They love our unique name 🙂 On July 1st we’ll be celebrating our first anniversary at the market. We’re excited that we’ve done it for a season’s worth and we’re planning to have extra goodies that…

  • Gresham Saturday Market 2017

    Gresham Saturday Market 2017

    Spring is here and we’re at the Gresham Saturday Market! It’s our second year at the market and I’ve got more jewelry to share. Come and check us out, we’re next to our friends Eco-Mist Designs and Soaring Dreams beauty products.  

  • Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays!

    This holiday season was full of cheer and familiar faces! We celebrated with our family and friends, some that we haven’t seen in over two years. The best part was that it snowed this year! Yay! In December, I also hosted a party to wire wrap a pair of earrings. It was fun! We had…

  • All wrapped up

    All wrapped up

    It’s fall and I’m so happy for the new season. This summer was full of vending and serious crafting.  I took my art to the local market every weekend even when I was exhausted from working the week right before. Sobe was there helping me every week with displays and setting up as well as watching…

  • Starting up again

    Starting up again

    This is turning into a journey. Sharing my creations with others is rewarding and I’m getting better at presenting my craft. I’ve always made things and crafted. This home business, start-up, work or whatever it is allows me to express my creative side along with my ever-enthusiastic two-year-old daughter. She’s playing by the window with…

  • Summer plans and goals

    Summer plans and goals

    I have so many ideas and goals for this summer: market booth, online shop, making jewelry and fitting in a road trip or two! My hopes are to build my shop into a part-time job and to help build Sobe’s business at the same time. I have many experiences in sales to help but a…