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Tag: art
Kid’s Crafts for the Holidays
Yule inspired crafts and gift ideas for loved ones. On a budget or just want to spend time and not money with your kids this season. Here’s some ideas for the season: The best smell next to cookies is fresh baked bread out of the oven. The kids will spend plenty of time rolling and…
Gresham Saturday Market 2019
Big vending news! We’re showing off jewelry and crystals at the market!
Summer plans and goals
I have so many ideas and goals for this summer: market booth, online shop, making jewelry and fitting in a road trip or two! My hopes are to build my shop into a part-time job and to help build Sobe’s business at the same time. I have many experiences in sales to help but a…
Contracts for Costumes
It’s getting to be that time of year again: time to think about costume ideas for Halloween. When I get business cards for Soberstone, I think I will order some for my independent contracts that I offer for sewing projects. Costumes need time for both development and construction, so August is really the time to…